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[Yawning Lady] Imitating a model explanation

외국어 학습 | 2012. 2. 13. 23:43 | Posted by youGom
The photography looks like it was taken in a lecture hall. The atmosphere looks very disorderly because there are people sitting and standing around the class. The people are probably attending a lecture but not all of them are listening to the lecture.
 Let's look at the woman in the photograph. She is wearing a dark purple beanie over her blond hair. She is wearing a brown sweater under her green overalls. You can see that she is yawning and frowning at the same time. Her eyes are closed. She must be very tired. She has a ring on her third finger and is holding a pen.
 You cannot see the background very well because it is blurry but there are people sitting and standing behind her There is another woman sitting behind her and that woman is looking towards the front. She is wearing a red sweater. She has a book open and is probably listening to the lecture at the front.
 There is a man sitting further back. He looks like he is writing something down. It's almost certainly winter because people are wearing heavy clothes. 

'외국어 학습' 카테고리의 다른 글

[ArrowEnglish] 알파벳의 정체  (0) 2014.09.02